Two Rivers
Day Camp
Can I use Cookie Credits to pay for Day Camp?
Yes, we accept Cookie Credits, Fall FUNds, Juliette Credits and Camp Credits that aren't expired.
Why does Two Rivers Day Camp require so much more health information than other Girl Scout Activities?
In the unlikely event that we have to call Emergency Medical Services for assistance, we have been told that additional information is required for proper care. This includes current medications, allergies to medications, past surgeries, etc. Current and accurate medical history is especially important if a person cannot speak for themselves and/or their emergency contacts can't be immediately reached.
What does Two Rivers Day Camp do with my health information?
We understand health information is very sensitive.
When you register: Health paperwork and registrations are collected and compiled by one member of the Day Camp committee, who secures all documents. Health forms are quickly scanned to ensure it is complete and to evaluate issues that may impact camp activities, crafts, and meals (ex. - latex allergy, food allergy, etc.). We are not concerned with any medical information that does not directly impact camp activities.
At camp: Your paperwork is maintained securely at camp under the care of the First Aider and one adult Camp Committee volunteer as a backup. No one else at camp or on the Day Camp Committee can access your health forms.
Limited release: First Aid adults (not Youth Staff) in each unit are given limited medical information about girls or adults in their unit if it impacts their ability to participate in camp activities and/or if the girl or adult is carrying emergency medication like an epi pen or a rescue inhaler.
In an emergency: In the rare event Emergency Medical Services is called, your health information will be provided to first responders. For us to provide ONLY the information they need, we ask that separate health forms are filled out for each member of your family.
After camp: All camp paperwork is sent to Council after camp and they destroy all health information in accordance with HIPPAA regulations. Two Rivers Day Camp does not and cannot retain your paperwork on file for next year.
Is there busing available to camp?
Yes, there will be busing available again this year from Oak Grove and Champlin.
If I volunteer, can I ride the bus?
Yes. Please make sure you have indicated on your registration form that you will be taking the bus to ensure we have enough buses coming to that stop.
How do we know what we need to send with our Camper/ Youth Staff?
A packing list will be sent out prior to camp and posted online.
Where do I send my forms?
All health and allergy forms are mailed to:
Two Rivers Day Camp
20918 Ghia St NE
East Bethel, MN 55011
I did the Adult Volunteer Interest Form, do I still need to register?
YES. The interest form doesn't have all of the information we are required to have for camp. Every adult still needs to be listed on the bottom of page 1 of the registration form, fill out the info on training's, complete a health form (tetanus date is required) & to send in a copy of the front & back of their medical insurance card. We also need to know if you are riding the bus or not so we make sure to have enough space available.